Hayden Cypressi Charged For S*xual Assualt In Rochester

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Following an investigation into allegations of a serial rapist in the Park Avenue neighborhood, Hayden Cypressi is now in custody in the Monroe County Jail.

According to Rochester police, they began their investigation about two and a half weeks ago after responding to a report of an attempted r*pe. However, residents on Park Avenue told News10NBC that they first learned about this on social media.

Long, who resides in the Park Ave neighborhood, claimed she first heard rumors about a rapist in her area last weekend on social media.

‘I simply noticed from other RIT students after seeing it circulate on Instagram stories,’ Long said.

‘And they were merely throwing the warning out there,’ saying, ‘Hey, look out. This is what’s happening. And because I had never heard of an official report, I wasn’t sure if it had been validated, so I didn’t do much research.

Long added, ‘As a woman, I absolutely want to know if that stuff is going on. I didn’t hear anything, and I know things happen behind the scenes and they probably don’t have a tonne of information. It’s scary, then.’

Officials with the Rochester Police Department (RPD) revealed Wednesday night that a man has been detained in connection with four distinct alleged r*pe and attempted r*pe events that occurred in Rochester between May and October.

Officers claimed that on October 29, they responded to a report of an attempted r*pe at a residence near Park Avenue and Clover Road.

The woman said she was being grabbed from behind at 2 a.m as she was leaving alone. She claimed that the suspect then attempted to assault her s*xually.

Brennan Bull said, ‘If there’s going to be a future change regarding it, I think if there’s a method to get the message out to young people because it’s mostly young people around here. Therefore, I believe that if there is a decent means to get it out, it is something that is very significant.’

According to the police, investigators named 26-year-old Hayden Cypressi as a suspect last week. Police claimed that as part of their investigation, they started looking for a link between Cypressi and earlier recorded cases.

He was detained on Wednesday and charged in relation to four instances that occurred between May and October 2022. Officers claimed that they also discovered unreported s*xual assault attempts during the investigation.

He is accused of committing eight felonies, including four counts of first-degree s*xual abuse and three instances of attempted first-degree r*pe.

Cypressi has been accused of three attempted r*pes near Culver Road in May, July, and late October, as well as a r*pe in August near South Goodman Street and Park Avenue.

Long added, ‘I’m relieved that at least he’s in custody and perhaps that’ll finally put an end to it for the time being.’

After many search warrants were carried out by the police today, Cypressi was brought into the jail. He was to be charged in City Court on Thursday morning.
