Rapper Khuli Chana Will Be Releasing New Music, Fans Are Amped: Thinking About Dropping Some New

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Brace yourselves for some new Khuli Chana music.

Khuli Chana has plans of getting new music out

The Motswakoriginator took to his Instagram stories to ask his new fans if they would be amped for new music.

“I’m thinking about dropping some new music. You want some?”

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Fans have been starved of new music from Khuli as he usually does collaborations.

One of his last few tracks is Buyile, and he is also featured on AKA's album Mass Country on a song called Prada.

K.O heeds the call to release new music with the late AKA

K.O has shared his plans of releasing the song he did with the late Kiernan 'AKA' Forbes before his untimely passing

Nadia Nakai had fans worrying about her mental health after said she no longer fears death.

She mentioned this track to her follower and added that she loves the song, and she listens to it daily.

“There’s a song Kiernan did with K.O, but he was so proud of his verse. I hope K.O drops It! Please do, I listen to it all the time. It’s hard to be a stand-up guy and stand the test of time”, Skhanda God. Mega.”

Khuli Chana allegedly owes the taxman a million in taxes

Briefly News previously reported that Khuli Chana allegedly owes the South African revenue service (SARS) money.

He has a company called Khuli Chana Holdings, which is accused of owing SARS R426000 in VAT.

He joined the list of Mzansi celebrities who have gotten on the bad side of SARS, including Trevor Noah's mother Patricia Noah.
